Got a Pool?

Do you have a pool at home, work, or school?

PoolSchools and AquaQuacks offer innovative solutions to turn your pool into a source of income.

Your pool doesn’t have to be a financial drain anymore! By collaborating with us, we can help generate revenue to cover your operating costs and maintenance expenses.

Most home swimming pools lie idle for many days each week throughout the year. They present a perfect opportunity to offer tailored swimming lessons for friends, family, and the local community.

For more information, please reach out to

Additionally, if you know of schools, hotels, or hospitals with swimming facilities that are interested in increasing their income, we’re keen to explore opportunities with new venues.

Outdoor pool for Swimming lessons

Contact the PoolSchools team

We aim to respond to all contacts within 48 hours, but sometimes teaching commitments can extend the response time. We apologise if this is the case and we appreciate your patience.

For existing swimmers quoting their Swimmer’s Unique Identification Number (found on the booking email) means we can find your account quicker.